BB Goes to the Vet

Yesterday, Foster Mom said I had a funky smell coming from my "girl parts" so off I went to see the doctor.

The first person I met there - Vet Tech Lady - was really nice...until she stuck a thermometer in my butt! Seriously?! How rude!! Foster Mom says, "Stop it!" if I even SNIFF another dog's butt!

Then I met the Vet Man. First he loved on me and said I was beautiful. I gave him my best lean and wagged my tail all happy-like - little did I know what was comin' next. Then he checked me out and said my eyes, ears, heart, lungs, joints, and feet were all really healthy but my "business end" needed some work! He asked me if I would pee in a cup - again, seriously?! When Foster Mom said I didn't know that trick, he said, "No worries, we have a Plan B," and took me into another room with another Vet Tech Lady.

By the time I got back into the room with Foster Mom, I sure wished I had known how to pee in a cup! Geez, more stickin' things inside me!!! But the Vet Man got what he needed and told Foster Mom that he had emptied my anal glands (what a lotta fun THAT was) AND that I had something called a UTI. I didn't even ask Foster Mom to explain what a UTI was, I just wanted to make like a banana and split!

The Vet Man gave Foster Mom some pills to add to my dinner for the next 14 days. After that I need to go back for a "pee check." You can bet I'll be workin' on how to pee in a cup between now & then!!


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